Bud Brewster Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

Joined: 14 Dec 2013 Posts: 17637 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:18 pm Post subject: |
Imagine this as a move.
The year is 2058, and a new fleet of space shuttles are being used extensively to repair satellites, clean up space junk, and do zero-gravity experiments.
The film starts with a gorgeous shot of a new shuttle in orbit, with two astronauts chatting while they fix a malfunctioning space telescope.
A third astronaut in the nearby shuttle calls to warn the pair that a very large object is approaching, and that it will barely miss them!
And also . . . it's decelerating.
In a dramatic FX shot, a huge alien spacecraft slides by, narrowly missing the shuttle and the space telescope. But it maneuvers into an orbit parallel to the Earth below, traveling several hundred feet ahead of the shuttle.
(Now I'll switch to synopsis mode.)
The ship is from an advanced race, but the crew is all dead, for reasons not yet revealed. The A.I. system that controls the ship is quick to analyze millions of transmissions from Earth and learn hundreds of languages in a matter of minutes.
It communicates with NASA and invites the two astronauts to enter the ship. The astronauts discover that the computer can imitate human behavior so well that it quickly wins their trust and actually seems to form a friendship with them.
It explains that it brought the ship to Earth as part of its basic programming, which states that if it can't bring the ship back to its home planet because of damage or malfunctions, it should attempt to find an intelligent alien race who can help repair it.
Oh happy day! An alien ship that wants to teach us all about its technology while we repair it, and then invite us to travel with it back home!
Gee, what could possible go wrong?
Our two main characters are soon joined aboard the alien ship by a legion of eager Earthlings who want to study the advanced craft. They discover that the alien crew is dead and their bodies are stored in cryo-tanks because they contracted a disease which killed them.
The A.I. computer assures the scientist that the disease they died from won't affect mankind, and that we are welcome to preform autopsies. But the doctors are cautious, and they soon determine that the disease would indeed be fatal to humans.
At this point, the two astronauts/main characters become suspicious of the friendly A.I. computer.
The investigating scientist discover that ship is equipped with projectile weapons, but the alien A.I. says that they can't be launched because of the damaged systems which the ship sustained because of an onboard explosion. However, the cooperative A.I. offers to direct the many engineers who have come aboard and help them repair the damaged systems.
Meanwhile on Earth, the international situation has become a bit intense!
Various countries are making preparations to take control of the alien ship and reap the benefits of its alien technology. Russian and Chinese shuttles, both carrying platoons of soldiers, are sent up to seize control of the advanced vessel.
To make a long story less long that I could easily make it,
our two astronaut heroes discover that the alien ship was actually sent to Earth to fire disease-laden projectiles into Earth's atmosphere and wipe out mankind so the aliens could colonize our planet!
However, the disease mutated during the long trip to Earth and started infecting the alien crew, eventually whipping them out.
Now, the A.I. computer is secretly attempting to complete it's mission by tricking the humans into becoming infected — either by exposing themselves to the bodies of the crew, or by unwittingly repairing the disease-delivery system that will fire the projectiles.
The two astronauts who have "befriended" the A.I. realize they must find a way to destroy the ship before the alien computer succeeds in spreading the infection.
Well, that's all I came with today, guys. But I think this would make a great movie!  _________________ ____________
Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958) |