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Sky High (2005)
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Bud Brewster
Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


IMDB has several interesting trivia items for wonderful movie. Very Happy

~ While Kurt Russell's suit had a cooling system, a tube where iced water circulated, Kelly Preston's didn't, because it was so tight.

Note from me: No wonder Kurt Russel seems so cool in this movie! Cool (Sorry . . . I couldn't resist. Embarassed)

~ When Warren attempts to spark his flames in the detention center, you can hear the sound of a Zippo lighter flint attempting to spark.

Note from me: Obviously this is a reference to Pyro, the young X-Man character who initially used a Zippo to ignite the flames he shots out of his hands.

~ Warren Peace's name sounds like "War and Peace". Warren's mother was a superhero (peace) while his father was a villain (war).

Note from me: The name "Warren Peace" is clever all by itself, but the fact that daddy was a badass and momma was a sweety is clever in it's own way. Very Happy

~ Kurt Russell and Mary Elizabeth Winstead would portray the main protagonist in The Thing (1982) and the prequel, The Thing (2011) respectively.

Note from me: Interesting coincidence. In recent years I've grown to appreciate the 1982 film, and I don't exactly hate the 2011 version. Very Happy

~ Layla is very similar to the DC Comics villainess Poison Ivy, since both have a green color scheme, red hair, and control over all plant life. In fact, Poison Ivy is associated with Batman, and there are several Batman-inspired elements in the movie (for example, the poles leading into the Secret Sanctum).

Note from me: Interesting comparison. And I love the Batman TV series nod we get when Kurt takes his son down to his Secret Sanctum.

Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)
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Galactic Ambassador

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 3:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sky High director Mike Mitchell is very proud of the film. Disney considered adapting it for television and many of the actors from the movie were signed up for it, with the exceptions of Kurt Russell & Kelly Preston.

The film was made on a budget of $35,000,000 and grossed $86,400,000. Being it was a modest success, Disney dropped the plans for a TV series.

Mike Mitchell said there were two premises in the film: "The adults are all insane, and all the girls are smarter than the boys."

Mitchell is a huge SF fan and was thrilled his movie brought together four of his favorite cult heroes. Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman), Kurt Russell (Snake Plissken: Escape From New York & L.A.), Cloris Leachman (Frau Blucher: Young Frankenstein) & Bruce Campell (Ash Williams: Evil Dead).

Last edited by Pow on Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bud Brewster
Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Yes, indeed, this a tasty treat for fans of both classic comic books and vintage science fiction. Cool

However, it wasn't a smash hit because it was designed for MY generation . . . NOT for the current crop of kids who have no idea why Baby Boomers like me have such fond memories of classic movies, TV series, and comic books. Sad

The sad fact is that all the people who are now old enough (and smart enough) to make movies like Sky High are also too old to understand what today's young people really want. Shocked

Fortunately, the Marvel Studios are cranking out great features for today's audiences! Very Happy

Unfortunately, those film makers days are numbered, too. Sad

Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)
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Bud Brewster
Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pow wrote:
Disney was planning on turning it into a weekly series at one point & some of the cast members from the film would reprise their roles.

I think this might have been a very good idea! TY shows today have big budgets, and CGI effects keep them looking cheaply done, like in the Old Days.

I wish the plans had worked out.

Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)
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Galactic Ambassador

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ironically, it has been suggested that since the Marvel Universe films are being continually produced by the Disney Company and are generally a smash hit; Disney's chances of ever rebooting Sky High or any non-Marvel superhero projects is slim to none.
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Bud Brewster
Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Hmmm. That's unfortunate.

On the other hand, perhaps the fact superhero movies are now a gold mine for Hollywood, the Disney folks will decide that Sky High would create a whole new franchise for fans of the genre.

After all, it wouldn't actually compete with any of the serious superhero franchises — either Marvel or DC — and it pokes fun at the comic book crowd, something that might appeal to the NON-comic book folks who think the whole thing is ridiculous. Very Happy

On a similar note, all the young people who never read either Marvel or DC comics (perish the thought Shocked) would enjoy the humor and the strong focus on adolescent characters.

Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)
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