Bud Brewster Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

Joined: 14 Dec 2013 Posts: 17637 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:04 pm Post subject: |
I drew this from a picture in a magazine. It's always been a favorite of mine. Kinda sexy.
This pen-and-ink drawing was done from a sculpture I did in college and took photos of from several angles.
This piece is a collage of drawings which features demons, aliens, and more terrestrial subjects.
This next drawing was inspired by my own hope to be in space someday.
I found a cigarette ad in a magazine and liked the heroic look of this guy.
This drawing was the first one I did after having a cast removed from my left arm after it was broken in a car accident. I was glad to discover that I could still draw.
I did this drawing from a picture I found in a magazine. I have no idea who this lady is, but the portrait I did of her is one of my personal favorites.
Here's a closer look at the bear's eyes.
_____________20,000 Leagues Under the Sea_____________
The artwork below was created for a special occasion in 1983 when my friends and I watched 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea as part of an elaborate "movie night". The host of this event converted his living room into a replica of the Nautilus interior and served his guests a sea-food dinner!
One of the guest created a cake for the occasion, complete with a model of the Nautilus which sailed on an ocean of frosting. I painted a picture of the squid to go behind the cake. Here's the concept sketch for the cake-and-painting. I simplified the design of the Nautilus for the sketch.
And the picture below is the painting which went behind the cake.
Unfortunately the only picture I have of the cake is not well focused and it wasn't taken from an angle which allows the cake-and-sub-model to work well with the painting. But notice that the Nautilus model was actually equipped with lights which made the windows glow!
I also created these sketches of scenes from the movie.
My favorite of the bunch: Captain Nemo conducting the funeral.
The most elaborate piece of artwork I did for that evening was a 36 in. X 18 in. painting of the Nautilus surround by sea creatures. This is the 12 X 14 preliminary painting I did to experiment with the colors for the big painting of the Nautilus.
And here's the final painting, with killer whales leading the Nautilus through the depths of the ocean. For years I've intended to finish it by adding beams of light coming from the surface, and a hint of those spiderweb refraction lines you see on underwater objects — but I've never gotten around to it.
_____________Portraits of Lovely Ladies_____________
The portraits below are of two young ladies who were in one of my college art classes. I had a crush on the second one below, and I gave her the original painting. All I have is a small photograph of it — and a broken heart. (*sigh*)
I did a pencil portrait of the young lady shown below, and later I did this watercolor for myself, using the reference photo I took.
The drawings and paintings below are portraits of the beautiful mother of my children. All of the ones done in color (rendered in oil, acrylic, and watercolor) have been altered by me with my computer — just for the fun of it.
~ Click on the image to see a larger version.
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And finally there's these two.
The first one is a painting based on a photo I took of my father in 1975 when I first started working with oil paint. I spent weeks on the painting during October and September of that year.
The second one was done after I was commissioned to do a graphite portrait in the early 1980s of a young man who was the son of a family who went to my church. The family was very happy with the portrait (which, sadly, I have no pictures of).
A year or so later I used one of the photos I took for that portrait to create one of my first attempts to work with acrylic paint. The result was the second portrait shown below. It turned out to be the best thing I ever did — even though it only took me a few days to paint (compared to the weeks I spent on the oil portrait of my father).
You can see the difference in the styles: the oil painting (the first picture) was very detailed and tightly controlled. The acrylic painting (the second one) is very loose and spontaneous. I like them both, but for different reasons. I labored over my father's portrait for weeks, but the painting of the kid just sort of appeared on my easel within a few days after I started it!
~ Click on the picture below to see a much more detailed image of my father's portrait. Click on the new image again to get the closest view.
And just for the hell of it, here's a watercolor I did of my father somewhere between the time I did the oil painting of Dad and the acrylic of the kid. Again, a very different style. Watercolor is a bitch to work with. Make one mistake and you might as well head for the nearest bridge and jump off! You can't fix it!
The last portrait wasn't done by me, it was done by my brother-in-law. It's his wife (my sister), and you can tell that his style influenced my later acrylic painting of the fourteen year old boy shown above, done in the 1980s.
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Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958) |