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The Time Wars Series by Simon Hawke

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Solar Explorer

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:04 pm    Post subject: The Time Wars Series by Simon Hawke Reply with quote

This is a 12 book series. The series is out of date but it is a very well written. The series is set several hundred years in the future but the characters travel back in time and end up interacting with many historical figures. This is definitely a series you want to read in order, so don't skip one. I don't want to reveal too much because then I'd reveal too much. The titles in the series are:

The Ivanhoe Gambit--Ivanhoe, Robin Hood and the Merry Men, Prince John and King Richard are the historical people involved.

The Timekeeper's Conspiracy--The Three Musketeers and all the associated characters.

The Pimpernel Plot--The time travelers must impersonate Sir Percy Blakeney who was accidently killed before he began his escapades as the Scarlet Pimpernel.

The Zenda Vendetta--The time travelers must maintain the events that happened in Ruritania against a mad man who is determined to change them.

The Nautilus Sanction--Was Jules Verne's novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea a work of fiction or based in fact?

The Khyber Connection--The time travelers fight with the British army in Afghanistan encountering news correspondent Winston Churchill.

The Argonaut Affair--Why is there a centaur in the 27th century? The team travels back to ancient Greece to find out answers.

The Dracula Caper--The time travelers, along with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, H. G. Wells, and Bram Stoker all try and solve a series of vampire-like murders.

The Lilliput Legion--Doctor Lemuel Gulliver's tale of little people is disbelieved by all but that mad author, Jonathan Swift, and three time travelers.

The Hellfire Rebellion--The American Revolution becomes the center of the time war.

The Cleopatra Crisis--Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Marc Antony, and time travel; what's not to like?

The Six-Gun Solution--The gunfight at the OK Corral provides the backdrop for the final book of he series. And what an ending, all the loose ends are tied up, and the time travelers hope it's not around their necks.
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Gord Green
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I read a few of these around 15 years ago and found them very enjoyable reading.

Here's what Wikapedia says about them :

"Simon Hawke (born September 30, 1951) is an American author of mainly science fiction and fantasy novels. He was born Nicholas Valentin Yermakov, but began writing as Simon Hawke in 1984 and later changed his legal name to Hawke. He has also written near future adventure novels under the pen name J. D. Masters and a series of humorous mystery novels. He was the Colorado Writer of the Year, 1992.[1]

As Nicholas Yermakov, his early books were published in 1981-1984 including two Battlestar Galactica novelizations. Since re-launching his career as Simon Hawke in 1984, he has produced a large volume of lighter fiction. Almost all of his books published after 1984 have been either part of a series and/or tie-in novels and novelizations.

His first major work as Simon Hawke was the Timewars series, which recounts the adventures of an organization tasked with protecting history from being changed by time travellers. In the world of the series, many people and events we consider fictional are historical, and vice versa; the action of each book in the series weaves in and out of the events of a famous work of literature. For example, in the first book in the series time travellers contesting the fate of Richard I of England become caught up in Walter Scott's Ivanhoe.

He has also written a series of humorous murder mysteries which features a young William Shakespeare and a fictional friend, Symington "Tuck" Smythe."
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Checking my shelves, I see I do have all twelve - and I'd certainly go along with "very enjoyable reading."

Time travel seems popular at the moment, with TV series "Legends of Tomorrow," "Timeless," "Travellers," and "Frequency," (though those last two deal more with the ramifications of a connection between two eras changing the past/future), and of course Doctor Who himself...
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Solar Explorer

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's been a couple of years since I've read the series, time to break them out again.
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