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X-Men (2000)

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Bud Brewster
Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

Joined: 14 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:07 pm    Post subject: X-Men (2000) Reply with quote

My goodness, who knew that a couple of crazy guys call Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko could take a few comic book titles back in 1961 and . . . well, you know the story.

After a few half-ass attempts to bring the Marvel superheroes to the big screen, Marvel Studios came out swingin' with the the first X-Men movie, and we've been in love with these guys ever since.

The nifty thing the X-Men did that trumped the old guard of superheroes was to establish one pseudo scientific reason to explain the superpowers of all the X-Men -- genetic mutations.

Prior to this, each superhero had to have his-or-her own distinctive origin story -- like coming from another planet or being given a ring that did a whole lot more than just match his nice green outfit.

With the X-Men, people with strange powers started coming out of the woodwork, and all because human chromosomes are such quirky little things that any tiny modification causes the recipient to develop fascinating abilities -- like eyes that generate death rays, or mental powers that control people.

It's a safe bet that Darwin never saw this coming.

Naturally all the people with plain, ordinary, healthy chromosomes felt plum perturbed about being so whimpy and dull, so the main focus of this first movie is the struggle between the gifted haves and bigoted have-nots.

Magneto seeks to level the playing field by making everybody just as wonderfully weird as him and his posse of fanatical followers -- never mind the fact that his conversion process tends to turn normal humans into warm Jello instead of super-people.

This movie is highly recommended for folks who love science fiction, superheroes, and Halle Berry in a blond wig. Very Happy

Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)

Last edited by Bud Brewster on Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:10 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Galactic Ambassador

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Terrific film, always have been a big X-Men fan in comics as well as movies.

I enjoyed the simplicity of their origin: mutated genes.
Superman & Batman had the finest origin stories that evoked great tragedy for them both.

After that I found 99% of the origins for superheroes lame.

The Flash had lightening strike a case of chemicals which fell upon him. Poof, you now run at incredible speeds. Really?

They didn't burn the midnight oil coming up with that one.

Hawk & Dove are hiding in a room when a voice mysteriously calls out to them that they now have powers.

Makes the Flash origin look clever by comparison.

I realize that those characters were created in simpler, more innocent times. However, it still does underwhelm one regarding their origins.
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Bud Brewster
Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Brother, you nailed it.

Evolution cannot be proved because it can't be duplicated in the laboratory, therefore it isn't scientifically verifiable. But mutations are actually real, so at least the X-Men started with a scientific fact and expand on it imaginatively. Very Happy

However, a man subjected to a lightning strike and a chemical spill will only be able to one thing really fast — die. So, Flash is pretty hard to justify, scientifically.

On the other hand, if evolution allows for accidental changes in genes that cause progressive improvements in orgasms over and over and over again for countless millennia, I guess maybe one little lightning strike that douses a guy with chemicals might possibly give him the ability to move super-fast by accelerating his —

Naaaaaw, forget it. Neither of those ideas makes a lick 'a sense, when you get right down to it.
Very Happy
Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)

Last edited by Bud Brewster on Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:21 am; edited 3 times in total
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Bud Brewster
Galactic Fleet Admiral (site admin)

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Location: North Carolina

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Evolution relies completely on the "lucky accidents" of genetic mutation to cause life to go from non-organic materials to complex organisms.

Frankly, that ain't logical.

Entropy, however, IS.

Entropy: Universe Tends Toward Disorder

Put simply, entropy is a measure of disorder, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that all closed systems tend to maximize entropy. Reversing this ever increasing tendency toward disorder requires the input of energy.

Please understand, I'm not saying this proves the existence of God. But it sure as hell leans toward the idea that some kind of intelligent creator monkeyed around with universe and created the world we live in.

However, the amount of pain, suffering, evil, and disasters in our world doesn't argue well for the existence of a "kind and loving Father in Heaven". So, all I'm suggesting is that a powerful and intelligent entity is responsible for the way life seems to be "evolving" towards more complex forms.

And He might not be quite so as nice as some religions want us to believe. Sad

My point is that assuming it all happened because of the "lucky accidents" of genetic mutation is not logical and not scientific.

However, if we think like a writer and apply my blasphemous ideas to the X-Men, we won't have to accept the ridiculous idea that all these mutants were just suddenly born with wild-and-wacky superpowers caused by more of those "lucky accidents" of genetic mutation!

Let's be honest, people! It makes more sense to think that some wild-and-wacky deity is just tinkering around with humans and giving some of us incredible powers for the fun of it! What proof do we really have that He cares about us lowly beings on Earth?

In short, we shouldn't think of "evolution" as a theory that denies the existence of God. Instead we should think of it as a misunderstood process that He uses to mess around with the universe . . . just because He enjoys it!

Admittedly that makes Him seem decidedly different than Christianity presents Him . . . but the violent world we live in refutes that idea every day! Sad

And now, here's a few ideas which are less controversial. Very Happy

IMDB has 179 trivia items for this movie. Here’s a few of the ones I found the most interesting, in the blue text. Very Happy

~ Hugh Jackman took ice cold showers every morning of filming, in order to help get into character. This tradition started when jumping into the shower at 5 a.m., before realizing there was no hot water. Shocked awake, but not wanting to wake his sleeping wife, he gritted his teeth and bore it, before realizing that this mindset, wanting to scream and lash out at something, but having to hold it in, was the mentality that Wolverine is in constantly. He then made cold showers his Wolverine preparation routine for each movie featuring the character.

Note from me: The only thing a cold shower does for me is make me scream like a girl!

~ Neither Sir Patrick Stewart nor Sir Ian McKellen knew how to play chess during filming. A chess master came in to teach them.

Note from me: Couldn't they just have had those chess master make the moves in close ups? And who was really watching those moves anyway? Shocked

~ Rebecca Romijn-Stamos' make-up, as Mystique, consisted of one hundred ten custom-designed prostheses, which covered sixty percent of her body, and took nine hours to apply. She could not drink wine, use skin creams, nor fly the day before filming, because it could have caused her body chemistry to change slightly, causing the prosthetics to fall off.

Note from me: Oh dear Lord, those guys really couldn't put all those "one-hundred-ten custom-designed prostheses" onto larger sections and slap 'em onto the poor lady in less time? And what the hell does the act of being on an airplane have to do with how sticky stuff stays on Rebecca's skin?

~ To celebrate her last day on-set, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos brought in a bottle of tequila, which she gave to her fellow cast and crew during a break in filming. Unfortunately, that day she happened to be filming the Wolverine and Mystique fight scene, and she threw up blue-colored vomit (from the chemicals in her make-up) all over Hugh Jackman.

Note from me: Damn, this HAS to be bogus. How could skin die cause a person to start puking up blue crap after heavy excursion? Sorry, I ain't buying this one. Rolling Eyes

~ In order to keep her look a secret, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos had to sit in an isolated, windowless room when not required for shooting: "I had almost no contact with the rest of the cast, it was like I was making a different movie from everyone else. It was hell."

Note from me: This one is bogus, too. Who was Rebecca supposed to v"keep her look a secret" from? The other actors? The film crew? Didn't they already know she was butt naked and bright blue? Shocked

~ Hugh Jackman got his testicles caught in his harness after a six foot jump off the set's Statue of Liberty.

Note from me: See, now THIS is why I never wear a harness when I have to make a six-foot jump off of something!

~ The Mansion used as the Xavier School, served as the Madison Mansion in Billy Madison (1995), the Luthor Mansion in Smallville (2001), and the Queen Mansion in Arrow (2012).

Note from me: A funny mental image: Oliver Queen is walking down the corridor in his mansion and he passes Lex Luther going the other way, and then Wolverne, Rogue, and Cyclops come out of a side door!

~ After the movie was completed, the wheelchair that Professor Xavier used was sold in an auction to Sir Patrick Stewart's attorney, and then rented back by the production company for X2: X-Men United (2003).

Note from me: Trust a lawyer to buy the prop created for your character and then charge the dumb studio executives to use it in the next movie. Good lord . . . Rolling Eyes

~ Wolverine doesn't kill anyone in this movie.

Note from me: THAT is hard to believe. How does a guy with razor-sharp claws fight a bevy of bad guys and just "wound" them? It's like the crap that the Star Wars movies showed us when Luke Skywalker swings his light saber and "knocks out" the bad guys instead of slicing off parts of their bodies!

Oh come on . . . pa — lease! Shocked

Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)
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