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Gord Green
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2018 1:21 am    Post subject: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (2018) Reply with quote

This film has had little discussion so far here....But I think the time is right to bring it up.

As it is to all extents and purposes a team up of the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy I think it is most appropriate.

First of all, I have to much as I love FORBIDDEN PLANET and THIS ISLAND EARTH , and all thje classics of the past....THIS is far and away the BEST movie I've ever seen! I can't give any better superlative to it!

-------SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!-------------------

If you truly love someone, you have to be prepared to kill him. At least, that’s what Marvel wants you to think, if we’re to take seriously any of the dark, apocalyptic finalities of their latest cinematic onslaught, Avengers: Infinity War.

The film, which just surpassed Star Wars for a record-setting $250 million opening weekend in the U.S., pulls together dozens of characters and interconnected storylines to put forth a bewildering spectacle centered around the notion of sacrifice.

You must always be expected to take the life of the person you love the most, according to every major plot cornerstone in this children’s movie.
Thanos---a titan from a wrecked planet-is the eight-foot-tall madman who is willing kill half the people in the universe to restore order to what he perceives as overgrown worlds.

Does he mourn the billions of innocent lives that will be lost in his quest?

Nope! He’s more concerned with some of his own personal family drama.

When she was a child, Thanos took Gamora away from her planet, which he himself was destroying for various reasons.

He raised her as his own, until she rebelled against him and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, as teens often do. In Thanos’s quest to obtain all the mythical Infinity Stones, Gamora becomes the tragic hurdle on his way to balancing the universe.

“A soul for a soul,” he’s told by the keeper of the Soul Stone,who just happens to be the RED SKULL, which functions both as a handy plot device and a succinct description of the film’s sacrificial underpinning as a whole.

That's right: He must kill Gamora in order to obtain the stone, kill half of the people in the universe, and save the universe.

It's completely faulty logic upon which the greatest villain the Avengers have faced yet is built. But then he is refferred to as The MAD TITIAN!

Thanos isn’t the only one tasked with killing Zoe Saldana’s green-skinned warrior heroine. About a quarter of the way through the 150-minute film, we’re re-introduced to the goofy Guardians of the Galaxy, who are momentarily wrought with a deep ethical quandary. Gamora, realizing that only she knows the path to the galaxy-shifting Soul Stone, tells Peter Quill that he must promise to kill her should Thanos capture them.

Marvel movies-especially the more fun cartoony Guardians franchise from James Gunn–have always upheld the notion that saving lives is more important than killing the bad guys.

That's fine! But things get a bit darker here, when Gamora is taken by Thanos and Quill is faced with a choice. He can kill her, keeping the location of the stone safe. Or he can let her live so she'll be tortured and eventually give up the location of the stone, condemning the universe to unimaginable destruction. No lightness here....this is serious bussiness.

Then there’s Scarlet Witch and her hot new synthesized boyfriend, Vision. It’s never really explained why Elizabeth Olson and Paul Bettany’s characters are attracted to each other (though fans of the comics will recall the rich history between the two alienated characters) but in Infinity War, we’re fast-forwarded to the end of their relationship, when Vision must demand Scarlet Witch to use her considerable powers to destroy him, when necessary. Their story in the comics is even more tragic...but ....

Vision is powered by the Mind Stone, the sixth and arguably most important stone of the film. After a failed attempt in Wakanda to remove the Stone while still keeping Vision’s consciousness intact, the dreaded motif surfaces yet again-to save the world, Scarlet Witch must take the life of her beloved Vision.

And in the heat of battle, Wanda does indeed crush the Stone with her powerful energy blasts, effectively ending the life of her one true love.

Unfortunately, Thanos negates her sacrifice using the moment-warping powers of the Time Stone---Vision dies (again!) and the villain wins and kills half the universe. Heroes and just plain guys and gals evaporate in a cloud of ash.

Perhaps sacrifice fuels the box-office dreadnought of Infinity War because there are simply no more villains left to kill. Every villian they've ever facerd is small potatoes compared to Thanos.

Thanos is, for all intents and purposes, invincible in the film, and he functions more as a beacon of self-sacrifice than as a monster capable of being beaten.

His argument....his reason de'etre is to SAVE the Universe from the curse of over-population and depletion of resources. His goal is to allow the Universe to exist without the scourge of famine and want. He sees himself as a benelovent despot who knows what's best and acts dispassionatly., He is a HERO in his own mind.....And the movie ends with him triumphant....relaxing as he watches the sunset.

These Marvel heroes have seen a lot----many of them have already fought through entire trilogies of their own–and after almost a dozen films, maybe the filmmakers decided the only way to impart serious emotional heft to audiences is to force these heroes to witness, and actually bring about, the death of their closest loved ones.

Whereas the thrilling Captain America: Civil War saw our Avengers pitted against one another, Infinity War turns this battle inward yet again, where it’s not the lives that they are fighting for that matters, but the lives they are willing to let go.

A gloomy moral indeed, especially for a blockbuster that’s supposed to be fun for the whole family.

But have no fear....While some may indeed be dead ....Like Loki and Hiemdell...Most are still existant inside the Soul Stone...and may be ressurrected during Avengers 4....Which may be designated as AVENGERS : ENDGAME.

And if Dr. Strange is correct..."It was the only way.....".

Some comments from :
There comes a time, thief, when gold loses its lustre, and the gems cease to sparkle, and the throne room becomes a prison; and all that is left is a father's love for his child.

Last edited by Gord Green on Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gord Green
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you were to live in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, would you have survived? This clever website will tell you.

By heading to : ,

you can see if the Mad Titan killed you or let you live.

I was spared by Thanos, but some of my colleagues were not so lucky. Suddenly the TechnoBuffalo offices are half as lively as they were before.

“You were slain by Thanos, for the good of the universe.”

May those who were killed by Thanos rest in peace.

There comes a time, thief, when gold loses its lustre, and the gems cease to sparkle, and the throne room becomes a prison; and all that is left is a father's love for his child.

Last edited by Gord Green on Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm so relieved. (Although I preferred Scarlett Johansson with her previous red coif.) Maybe now I'll be able to make some progress on the freeways.
...or not...

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marvel was slightly sneaky when they changed the film's name from "Infinity War: Part One," since it does indeed end on a bit of a cliff-hanger.

Usually, I've found that almost everyone leaves the cinema when the credits begin, but this time well over half the people sat through about ten minutes of credits... and were rewarded with a final scene starring Nick Fury. Before he too fades away, he manages to pull out a phone-size gadget and send an emergency message. The device falls to the ground, with the message pulsing... and then its screen changes to show that the message has been received. The symbol we see is of the new Captain Marvel - so, before the actual sequel, next March's Captain Marvel movie looks to be involved in the action...

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Galactic Ambassador

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Custer wrote:
The symbol we see is of the new Captain Marvel...

I was wondering about that. Thanks for clearing it up. I haven't been a follower of Captain Marvel. I've always resented their hijacking the name from the character who has been left with the moniker, Shazam.
...or not...

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 11:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, having a comic called "Captain Marvel" at DC would have been a bit confusing. Marvel managed to get the copyright on the name by publishing their first "Mar-Vell" Captain Marvel comics, in 1967... and checking that date on Wikipedia (one of those complex urls with brackets etc that doesn't work as a link here) tells me Jude Law is playing that character in the upcoming movie.

DC's "Big Red Cheese" has generally been called Captain Marvel in his comics - they just couldn't use it as the title of the comic. So, instead, we got "With one magic word - SHAZAM! - the original Captain Marvel," which works okay, though there does seem to have been a slide towards the Shazam name lately, to avoid confusion, or indeed lawyers.
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Bud Brewster
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 3:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


IMDB has 294 trivia items for this movie. Here’s a few of the ones I found the most interesting, in the blue text. Very Happy

~ Mark Ruffalo revealed that he was given a fake script due to his habit of accidentally spoiling past Marvel movies. He jokingly claimed in an interview that the fake script was better than the real one.

Note from me: Mark could probably sell that fake script as a rare collectors item. Very Happy

~ Robert Downey, Jr.'s other recurring role is Sherlock Holmes. In his previous outings as Iron Man, he worked with two Dr. Watsons: Sir Ben Kingsley and Martin Freeman. In this movie, he worked with fellow Sherlock actor, Benedict Cumberbatch. The Russo brothers deliberately did not include a Sherlock joke between the actor's characters, deeming it "too obvious".

Note from me: Agreed. In fact, it could even be called . . . elementary. Very Happy

~ The new Spider-Man suit is based on the Iron Spider outfit from the comics. Like its movie counterpart, it was also created by Tony Stark. This is also the first movie to have Spider-Man use it, as this costume first appeared at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).

Note from me: On one hand, I like the idea that Tony Stark created a hi-tech suit for Spider-Man. But on the other hand it seems to gild the lilly, as they say. (I’m an old-school Spider-Man purist from 1960s.) But it was amusing to watch Peter desperately trying to figure out all the built-in gizmos.

~ Captain America's shield does not appear at all in this movie.

Note from me: That was a strange decision on the part of the filmmakers. And I missed the shield. Sad

~ Steve Rogers wields a new shield in this movie, made from Wakandan vibranium, that splits apart into two armguards. This is based on two different shields Rogers wielded in the comic books: one shield was provided by the Black Panther, and the other split apart into two guards.

Note from me: Ah-ha. I’d forgotten that.

~ According to the Russo Brothers, Peter Parker's lines at the end of the movie, where he says, "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good" and "I don't wanna go" before he disintegrates, were improvised on the spot by Tom Holland.

Note from me: Wow, young Tom really got into the role.

~ The Russo Brothers also confirmed that Peter's aunt May and Howard the Duck were unaffected by Thanos' finger snap.

Note from me: Funny . . . Laughing

~ This marks the first time on film that Peter Parker (Spider-Man) dies, with the character starring in eight movies over the course of sixteen years. However, it's confirmed to not be a permanent death, as Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) will take place just a few minutes after Avengers: Endgame (2019), as confirmed by Marvel Studios.

Note from me: Well, there’s some good news!

~ The Russo Brothers stated in a podcast interview, that the actual reason why The Incredible Hulk refuses to, "come out", wasn't because he's scared of Thanos, (while he certainly was taken back a bit by being so easily defeated by him in the beginning), but rather The Incredible Hulk simply being tired of Bruce Banner only using him, when he needs him during a battle and refusing so to spite him.

Note from me: This puts to rest a rather fanciful fan theory that Loki did not die at the beginning, he pretended to be the Hulk (and got his but kicked), and then pretended to be Bruce Banner (but couldn’t manage to be the Hulk again).

Yeah, I thought it sounded dumb, too . . . Rolling Eyes

~ In a response to an on-line question, Executive Producer James Gunn confirmed that the character Kraglin from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) was spared from Thanos' finger snap, hinting that there are future plans for the character.

Note from me: What . . . do these guys have list of who DIDN’T die, even though nothing about them is seen in the movie? Wow . . .

~ With the losses occurred after the events in this movie, the Avengers are reduced to the original team from The Avengers (2012) to retake the fight in the upcoming Avengers: Endgame (2019): Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.

Note from me: And THAT, folks, is how you keep actors in line when contract negotiations are coming up. Laughing

~ There's a deleted scene in the Blu-ray copy of the movie that explains why The Guardians are on Titan. In the movie, the last time we see them before the scene on Titan is when they go to Knowhere to get the Reality Stone, only to realize that Thanos already has it, and is waiting for Gamora, as she has information on the Soul Stone, and he leaves with her. In the Blu-ray copy, Nebula dispatches the guard and frees herself. Then she goes to computer terminal and sends a message to Mantis telling the team to meet her in Titan. This scene was not a separate deleted scene, but incorporated in the movie.

Note from me: A little extra reason to buy the Blu-ray. Very Happy

Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)

Last edited by Bud Brewster on Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gord Green
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

~ With the losses occurred after the events in this movie, the Avengers are reduced to the original team from The Avengers (2012) to retake the fight in the upcoming Avengers: Endgame (2019): Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.

Seemingly the original Avengers will be featured in a time travel type "flashback", possibly joined with ANT-MAN who was an original founding member in the 60's comics. Although it was the Hank Pym version, not Scott Lang.

Maybe the Wasp will show up too!

There comes a time, thief, when gold loses its lustre, and the gems cease to sparkle, and the throne room becomes a prison; and all that is left is a father's love for his child.

Last edited by Gord Green on Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bud Brewster
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


So, you're trying to decide what movie to watch while you're cooped up at home with nothing to do but drink all those Corona beers you bought a month ago before they stopped production in Mexico because people decided they didn't like the name! Shocked

(That's actually true, by the way. I didn't make it up. Sad)

With that in mind, here's few suggestions in the trailers below.

And if anybody would like to have a Corona Beer synchro-cinema in All Sci-Fi's Chatzy room, just send me a PM and we can practice some Internet Social Distancing while watching a movie with friends! Very Happy

Getting together through All Sci-Fi is the safest way to spend time with your buddys without the slightest risk of getting the disease that's threatening our global civilization! Shocked

Come on, folks! Let's make the best of a bad situation! Very Happy

__ Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War - Trailer


_____Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame - Trailer


___Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel - Official Trailer


Is there no man on Earth who has the wisdom and innocence of a child?
~ The Space Children (1958)
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Galactic Ambassador

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New Avengers: Infinity War Set Photo Reveals Benedict Cumberbatch Wearing Iron Man Armor in a Deleted Scene
Art Should Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable.
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